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已有 566 次阅读2012-9-2 16:41 |个人分类:日记

Seems there is an animal to eat my things published here.
say several minutes ago,  I had wrote something with a title 20120902,,but now I can not find it anyway.
Not only here but also happened at baidu. The same article with 20120902,disappeared which remind me to record my life with anoth languegy.
Reading jung's autobiography. So much things are simila with what I have passed.
nghitmare, passal, difficulis in study,heavy thingking.double space, eg.
I feel there are a lot of truth in this book but hardly you could bick up from the other books.
He was just as a viewer, to inner and out world.
That confimed one thing is right, to keep write down what I had suffered and recgnized.
because there is one day, some one else will take my history as a real story to read, as today I face to Jung.







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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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