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已有 225 次阅读2012-9-3 03:51 |个人分类:日记

It is 4:OO early morning.

I had twice defecated.

for reading Jung's autobiography and sleeping, I kept in this situation all night.

After the second time defecated, I was been controlled by breathless feeling.

I know it's the trick of the hidden controller.

I had to open the east windows.

Meanwhile, I had reached the pages Jung's travelling at Africa.

I don't know why, the controller stifle me.

a little hungery.

Mother go to east china hospital to take some medicine.

Finished the reading of Carl Gustav Jung's autobiography.

A lot of similary of my life.

The great difference between me and him, is he had  inspirations so much times, but he just only research them from the that background, which is nothing concernning of controlling or humanbeing controlled visual field.

That is what I am strongly feeling today.

Second time brethless feeling make me openning the windows and heard of the ambulance passing.







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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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