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不要盲目迷信品牌,转一个Pianoworld上的KAWAI KDP80评价


发表于 2012-4-8 13:03:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 ymh 于 2012-4-8 13:12 编辑

KAWAI终于引进中国,这个是好事,但去柏斯试了KAWAI KDP80以后才清醒,每个厂家都不是傻子。试了KDP80以后发现键盘轻而且松,没有阻尼感,完全是入门级电钢琴的键盘感觉,再看价格,果然。。。今天偶然发现Pianoworld上有一个电钢琴对比的文章,其中提到KAWAI KDP80,我贴在下面,基本和我试琴的感觉差不多,完全和憧憬中的KAWAI相差很大,希望有一天能试一下CA13。

I've read many a post on here about the pros (and cons) of each of these different "home" digital pianos. I'm in the market for one and recently got the chance to spend quie a few hours in a couple of local shops test-driving the following models.

CLP 440
CLP 470



The first one I tried was a KDP-80. I hated it. I thought "oh no, maybe we can't have a DP after all if this is what they play like. We'll have to have an acoustic". It felt awful, plasticky. There was hardly any sensitivity to the keys. The sound was artificial. (大致翻译:我第一个试的琴是KDP-80,我讨厌这个琴。我当时在想:“不,如果这就是演奏电钢琴的感觉,或许我根本不应该去选电钢琴。我会去买一架真钢琴。”KBP-80弹起来感觉是糟糕的、塑料感的。它的键盘弹起来很不灵敏。音色听上去很不自然。)This was the only DP this particular shop had in, so I left feeling very dejected.

I then tried the CLP440 and 470. Much better. "So we can have a digital after all". These felt much more like playing a piano. The CLP-470 was in polished ebony and looked really smart as well. This shop only sold Yamahas (I didn't bother trying any of the CVP models they had). But I left in much better spirits.

I then found another shop which had the Rolands and Kawais as well as the Yamahas.
I took my own headphones with me and switched between them for a couple of hours. As I moved between the models I started to feel very confused. They don't feel much different. How am I going to decide!! However then I played the Roland HP307. The very first thing to strike me was the feel of the keys. It actually physically made me smile. They felt fantastic. I tried the HP305 too and they also had the same feel.

It took me a lot longer to make a decision over the sound and the action but I eventually decided that I wasn't keen on the Yamahas. The sound (like many other people have reported) was too mellow, too muted. Sounded like it was being played with a cushion over the speakers or something (I exaggerate, but those who have tried them will know what I mean). Note - this wasn't anything to do with the amplification, or the built-in speakers. I was using my own headphones all the time. This is the sound itself. Perhaps its the instruments they sample, I dunno. The keys also felt too "square". Thats about the best I can describe them. It didn't feel as natural playing them as it did with the other makes. So I was then left comparing the Kawais and the Rolands.

Its really difficult. They both feel and sound noticably different. I very quickly dismissed the Kawai CNs. Again - they felt a bit plasticky; too 'glossy' and the sounds didn't sound as realistic. I think the sound on the Roland's is much nicer. The "Grand Piano 1" on the HP-307 sounded really really really nice.
On the Kawai CAs it was a little different. I didn't like the standard Concert Grand 1 on the CA63. It sounded like it had too much Reverb, particularly in the high end. I ended up playing the "Studio Grand" most. What I actually prefered was the first, standard piano sound on the CA13. As for how they played, I initially prefered the action on the Rolands. There are many who have posted here who can tell the difference between PHa II Ivory and PHa III and much prefer PhaIII. I couldn't tell. Perhaps it was down to the piece I was playing (I pretty much stuck to playing Maple Leaf Rag - just to have something consistent to compare). But then I thought maybe the Rolands were *too* realistic. I mean the action is very distinctive. It 'thumps'. You can hear and feel the thump when you play. Is this realistic? Probably not. But its *distinctive*, and maybe thats why I thought I prefered it, because I could feel it. Does that make sense?

In the end I kept coming back to the HP-307. I just *felt* more like playing a real piano, even down to the deep purple felt. (The CA63 was a bright red and the CA13 was black). Next up was the CA63. Despite the sound - it just 'felt' better than the CA13. The CA13 felt a little 'cramped'. Like the keys were slightly too short or something (even though they probably weren't - I didn't measure them). I'm probably not doing the HP305 justice since it was cramped into the room beside some boxes (so I couldn't sit the stool far enough back)and very dimly lit, so it goes bottom of my list.

Oh - and another thing to say about the Rolands and the CA63. the connection interface was very nicely placed under the keybed, facing out, so you can see very easily where to put your headphones / MIDI cables etc. The CA13 and all the Yamahas were hidden facing down toward the floor and very difficult to find / plug in. A small thing maybe, but if you're interchanging between headphones and speakers I'm sure it would quickly become annoying.

So: The hp307 and ca63 "feel" the most like playing a real piano, but the only problem with both is that they are relatively expensive and packed with features that I probably won't use. I just want a good piano sound. I don't care about organs and choirs and strings and pads and sequencers and "piano designers" etc etc. I'm a synth guy too - I can do all that on my workstation. So my wallet is telling me that I'd be paying for stuff that I wouldn't use (and I hate doing that). So if I were to buy new I'd probably go for the CA13 or the HP305.

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发表于 2012-4-8 13:47:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 梵尚 于 2012-4-8 13:51 编辑


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发表于 2012-4-8 14:33:35 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-4-8 14:48:44 | 只看该作者
顾客是上帝 呵呵 上帝的话  些许犯傻  商家多精  研究上帝
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发表于 2012-4-8 16:07:19 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-4-8 17:05:06 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-4-8 19:35:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 cosun 于 2012-4-8 19:37 编辑


普及一下吧,KAWAI的键盘也进化过几次了,最新的RM3,非常好,比罗兰的PHAIII和YAMAHA的GH3键盘都好。但是KAWAI以前的键盘还有RH,以及更老的AHA。RH还勉强可以考虑,AHA看都不要看了。居然还有人以为AHA都能秒CASIO。从音色来说,KAWAI也经过了几代。开始是Harmonic Imaging,后来升级到Progesssive Harmonic Imaging,最新的是Ultra Progressive Harmonic Imaging。应该说,最新的UPHI还不错,但是肯定不如罗兰的SuperNatural,估计也不如雅马哈的GRE。CA63和CA93就是配的UPHI,但CA13降级到PHI,我觉得PHI听起来音质平平,有数码味。而那些更老的HI音源,比如这种KDP80货色,更不要期待了。

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发表于 2012-4-9 10:49:11 | 只看该作者
cosun 发表于 2012-4-8 19:35
论坛也就那么几个新来的时不时吵吵闹闹的说KDP80多好,还真有点象前面一波说kurzweil多好一样。每个牌子都有 ...

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发表于 2012-4-9 11:56:10 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-4-10 23:09:48 | 只看该作者
拿那些中高端琴和80比,有可比性?如果能砸2W元,我也可以写篇这样的文章大叫KDP80 SUCKS!!!,compared with Yamaha:CLP 440,CLP 470
Roland:HP-305 HP-307 Kawai: CA13 CA63 CN23 CN33 CN42。这种无脑比较不是脑残么,不要迷信外国人,不要迷信英语哦~2W不是人人的都能承受的。楼上有的说不如去买SP250,那是您的需求,您当然可以去买。但是大家需求都不一样,不能一刀切嘛。如果我说SP250外观很丑完全比不上80,您是不是要拿一篇论文出来证明外观不丑呢?如果有人因为外观不满意就不想再去碰这琴,您是不是会再度证明这人不是人类呢?如果有人买琴了但最后没有成为一代大师,您是不是又有话要说呢?

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-4-10 23:12:21 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-4-10 23:18:29 | 只看该作者
cosun 发表于 2012-4-8 19:35
论坛也就那么几个新来的时不时吵吵闹闹的说KDP80多好,还真有点象前面一波说kurzweil多好一样。每个牌子都有 ...

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-4-11 13:33:33 | 只看该作者
colossal 发表于 2012-4-10 23:18
看您资格挺老的,不过请搞清楚,您弹您的琴,我弹我的琴,互不干扰。如果您觉得帖子违规可以建议版主审查 ...

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-4-11 13:36:11 | 只看该作者
colossal 发表于 2012-4-10 23:18
看您资格挺老的,不过请搞清楚,您弹您的琴,我弹我的琴,互不干扰。如果您觉得帖子违规可以建议版主审查 ...

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-4-11 16:42:57 | 只看该作者
原文拿KDP-80去跟不同等級價位的去比 ~基本上這個文就沒什麼可看性
KDP-80 跟CLP-440 CLP470 甚至CA13 CA63以上比 不同層次的東西 怎麼比

這種半價策略騙人不實的廣告 ~讓我有點不屑中國代理的KAWAI

在台灣CA13 都賣得比CLP-440還要便宜多 跟CLP-430差不多
CA13 應該跟CLP-430比

CA63 約等CLP-470==> 而論壇會比較也都這2各型號為多
事實上 ~這2各型號 才真的有可比姓
因為價格性能音色等 是同層次的東西~這樣比較才有意義阿
而CLP-440 則無類似的KAWAI產品可比

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-4-11 17:58:13 | 只看该作者
cosun 发表于 2012-4-11 13:36
你心理太脆弱了,还这么吼吼没个完。建议再回去拜读我的帖子,我哪个地方卖老了,我是给你分析事实。看来 ...

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-4-11 18:13:08 | 只看该作者
31284 发表于 2012-4-11 17:58
你弹你的琴。他弹他的 ...

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-4-11 22:10:56 | 只看该作者
colossal 发表于 2012-4-10 23:12

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-12 19:27:16 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-13 00:31:45 | 只看该作者
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