
*****YAMAHA EX5/EX7/EX5R*****

YAMAHA继96年推出了上一代旗舰工作站合成器W系列的Version 2.0/2.02升级芯片后,终于在98年推出了他们凝聚着最新科技的全新一代旗舰工作站EX系列。EX系列是至今为止唯一集聚YAMAHA所有优秀合成器音源于一身的工作站合成器。EX系列搭载着使用高品质波形的PCM系列AWM2音源、创造终极管乐和假想乐器的物理仿真的VL音源、模拟合成数字再现的AN音源、通过DSP十进制模仿提供全新音色的FDSP(FORMULATED DIGITAL SOUND PROCESSING)音源以及可以读取WAV/AIFF文件而且可以重新采样的采样器音源等5种音源,并可以将其自由组合运用,使效果达到前所未有的跨越式的飞跃。这点就连后来发行的一些型号也难以匹敌。最大128复音、多个实时控制器、条形控制器、强大的音序器、琶音器等都使EX系列拥有了超乎想象的表现能力。SCSI接口可以外接硬盘及ZIP存储器,让你不会再为磁盘容量小而无法储存自己的音色波形和作品担心。除此之外,EX还可以作为一台采样器。。。超强功能和丰富的扩展性能使EX系列成为YAMAHA前所未有的顶级性能。EX系列工作站合成器让YAMAHA在1999年赢得了众多国际乐器大奖,被誉为YAMAHA合成器发展史上的一个里程碑。1999年底,YAMAHA特别限量发行了500台银白色外观的千年纪念版EX5合成器(被称为EX5s)。

YAMAHA EX 系列工作站合成器





  • 键盘:EX5=76半配重键盘;EX7=61标准键盘(带力度/触后)
  • 音源方式:AWM2+VL+AN+FDSP+采样(44.1KHz);EX7= AWM2+AN+FDSP+采样(44.1KHz)
  • 音色发生器类型:FDSP Type EP Pickup, EG Pickup, Water, PWM, Flange, Phaser, Self FM, Torando, Ring Mod, Seismic(共10种)
  • 最大复音数:EX5/EX5S为128个;EX7为64个
  • 预置音色:512个(Preset 256/Internal 256)
  • 表演设置:128种
  • 常规音色最多4种因子重叠,鼓音色最多128种因子重叠
  • WAVE RAM(波形容量):标准1MB/最大扩展73MB (64MB SIMM + 8MB Flash Memory)
  • 声部数:16
  • 效果器:混响×12种、合唱×17种、插入1×23种、插入2×79种
  • 音序器:
  • 兼容内部时钟,外部时钟,及磁带命令;兼容mLan数据传输协定.
  • 兼容SMF格式读取,SMF0格式文件直接回放
  • 外部记忆:3.5英寸FDD(2HD/2DD)、SCSI接口可接内置/外置硬盘和ZIP存储器(选购)
  • 面板显示屏:240×64点阵式LCD背光液晶显示屏(带对比度/亮度调节)
  • 控制器:
    声音实时控制旋钮×6、旋转编码器、调制轮×2、弯音轮、条形控制器连接端子:输出×2、单独输出×2(EX5/EX5S)、AD输入(EX5/EX5S=2系统立体声、EX7=1系统单声道)、延音、踏板开关、踏板控制器、踏板音量、呼吸控制、耳机、MIDI IN(EX5/EX5S=2系统)、MIDI OUT(EX5/EX5S=2系统)、MIDI THRU
  • 扩展槽:快速内存板、单独输出板、数字输出板、SCSI板、通用SIMM
  • 选购件:
    EXIDO1 四通道独立输出扩展板
    EXDGO1 AES/EBU 数字立体声输出(带命令时钟控制)
    ASIB1 SCSI 接口扩展板(可接电脑、硬盘、ZIP驱动及其他SCSI接口设备)
    EXFML1 闪存扩展板
    SIMM 内存
  • 外型尺寸、重量:
    EX5:1268W×129H×407D mm、20 Kg
    EX7:1061W×129H×407D mm、15 kg
    EX5R:480W×138H×397D mm、9.8Kg
    ASIB1 SCSI接口扩展板--249美元
    EXIDO1 独立输出扩展板--149美元
    EXDGO1 数字输出扩展板--199美元
    EXFLM1 8M闪存扩展板--399美元


    EX7缺少EX5/EX5R中所拥有的"VL" 合成器音源和 "AN + FDSP"音源模式

    官方技术支持网站:Yamaha EX5 Tech.



    "AWM is Yamaha''''''''''''''''s original system for effectively using sampled waveforms in synthesizers and tone generators. The strength of AWM synthesis lies not only in its extraordinary ability to "shape" and control the sound of the samples with a comprehensive system of envelope generators, filters, key scaling parameters, modulation, and more. AWM voices can have from 1 to 4 AWM elements. Each AWM element can use a preset wave or a sampled waveform. The ability to combine AWM elements means that you can, for example, combine separate samples for the attack and sustain portions of an instrument''''''''''''''''s sound, with independent control over each.

    Yamaha AN Synthesis (Analog Physical Modeling) offers all the benefits of traditional analog synthesis with the stability, reproducability, and precise control of digital technology. It is capable of accurately reproducing the sound of classic analog synthesizers without patch cables, setting charts, or the frustrating instability that was the bane of the analog age. A standard (Poly) AN voice can have 1 AN element and from 1 to 3 AWM elements. Classic analog synth type sounds can be created with the single AN element alone. AWM elements can be added as necessary to "modernize" the sound.

    FDSP adds a sophisticated note-dependent effect processor to the basic AWM synthesis system. In contrast to a stand effect stage, the FDSP synthesis stage uses individual note and velocity data to control effect parameters, thus making it possible to simulate the characteristics of a number of real-world musical components, as well as produce totally new effects. FDSP can produce totally new sounds that are responsive and "alive". FDSP voices have from 1 to 4 AWM elements with an FDSP stage between the elements and the main effect stage. The FDSP stage can be applied to any or all of the AWM elements used, as required.

    Yamaha''''''''''''''''s Virtual Acoustic ("VL") Synthesis tone generation system applies sophisticated computer based "physical modeling" technology to musical sound synthesis, accurately simulating the very complex vibrations, resonances, reflections and other acoustic phenomena that occur in a real wind or string instrument. VL voices can have 1 VL element and from 1 to 3 AWM elements. The VL element can be used alone to emphasize the full realism and expressive power of the VL tone generator, or with added AWM elements for thicker textures.

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